Family Educational Rights And Privacy Act (FERPA)
信息rmation for 学生 and 父母
The primary rights protected under FERPA are:
- 学生有权在学院收到查阅申请之日起45天内查阅和检查其教育记录
- 学生’ rights to have their education records amended or corrected
- 学生’ rights to control disclosure of certain portions of their education records
- 学生’ rights to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education regarding alleged failures to comply with FERPA. Complaints of alleged violations may be sent to:
Family Policy 合规 Office
U.S. Department of Education 400 Maryland Avenue, SW Washington, DC 20202-5901
For more information, visit the U.S. Department of Education Web site at /常见问题/ what-ferpa /.
These records can be in any medium (handwritten, 电子邮件, 打印, 缩微胶片, or other formats) maintained by the 大学.
公共记录...根据FERPA, ACD指定了以下类别的个人学生信息作为公共或一般目录信息. This information will be routinely released to any inquirer, unless the student specifically requests that all or part of the following list be withheld:
一般目录信息应向任何提出书面公开信息请求的个人或组织发布. FERPA允许被视为可披露的学生目录信息的其他信息可以在未经同意的情况下发布,以实现ACD的机构目标, unless the student specifically requests that all or part be withheld. ACD将尊重学生的要求,保留列出的公共记录信息的任何项目, 但不能承担联系学生的责任,以获得随后发布信息的许可. Regardless of the effect upon a student, 学院不承担履行学生的要求,这些信息被扣留的责任. 希望限制访问其教育记录中的部分或全部公共信息的学生必须提交保密表格. |
私人记录...The following is a non-exhaustive list of categories of information treated as private, 或受保护, ACD:
The following are not considered education records:
- Personal notes of 大学 or 区 faculty and staff
- Employment records (unless employment is contingent on the individual’s status as a student)
- Medical and counseling records used solely for treatment
- 执法记录只由执法部门保存,不得在其他地方复制
- Financial records of a parent or spouse
- Confidential letters and statements of recommendation placed in your record
- 仅包含个人信息的记录,该记录在个人不再是澳门正规博彩十大排行平台的学生后获得
- Records of applicants for admission who were denied acceptance or chose not to attend.
在FERPA, 在向第三方披露学生的教育记录之前,必须事先获得书面同意, unless they are exempted from this provision. 在没有您事先书面同意的情况下,我们将向以下团体或个人发布信息:
(3) under contract to ACD to perform a special task or service, or (4) who is a student serving in an official capacity for ACD)
Instances in which prior written consent is not required:
The prior written consent must:
- Specify the records to be released
- State the purpose of the disclosure
- Identify the party(ies) to whom disclosure may be made
- 签名并注明日期
Eligible students must be given access to review and inspect their education records. 查看教育记录的请求必须以书面形式提出,并提交给学院注册主任或学院院长, 系主任, 或其他适当的官员.
学生 may not have access to:
- Parent’s financial records (without written consent from the parent)
- 执法记录只由执法部门保存,不得在其他地方复制
- Medical, psychiatric or similar records in connection with the treatment of the student
- 1月1日之前在教育记录中放置的推荐信或陈述,1975.
FERPA rights transfer to a student when he or she reaches the age of 18.
Also, a student has postsecondary institution student record rights, regardless of age. 未经学生书面同意,家长或监护人不得查阅学生的ACD教育记录.